Corrective Exercise

Laying a foundation of fitness better than you can imagine.

Understanding the basis of why someone does something is crucial for success. You need, as a consumer, to know why content is being put out there or even why a program is created.

When I created Exercise Corrected it wasn’t just made up out of thin air. I had been spending the last 6ish years developing my niche in helping clients recover from injury, develop foundational movement patterns and injury prevention. I never knew if there was a name for it or if someone had already developed a course for it.

I knew that I loved post rehab for clients. I loved seeing where they currently are exercise wise to doing things they never thought was possible, again.

I also knew that going to Physical Therapy school just was not for me.

I researched and researched until I found NASM CES Course. CES is Corrective Exercise Specialist.

This course takes the foundational principles to prevent injury. Literally everything that I had been studying and teaching myself.

I still believe that this is a hidden speciality. But it is a much needed speciality.

What is Corrective Exercise?

I use an Overhead Squat Assessment to identify any looming or previous dysfunctions that you might have. Dysfunctions are common, no one is immune to them. Even some of the most elite athletes have some kind of compensation. So rest assured that we are all working to improve ourselves. Some of us are more aware than others.

Yes, I am very much aware that there is ongoing debt on the use of myofascial release and the pros and cons.

For me, I am on the side of the benefits when paired with strength training. There is research to support both sides. I just recommend that you do you own research but also test it out for yourself. Exercise is not one size fits all. So you may have a better experience with it over your friend.

At the end of the day, I am not equipped nor do I expect to solve all of your problems. But can I give you tools to help you evolve over time, heck yes!

Through my years of experience with clients, I have seen tremendous benefits through the use of corrective exercise.

Even beyond some immediate changes, if you are someone who has been prone to previous injury you want to find a CES to help work alongside your Allied Health Professional. Aka your Physical Therapist. A CES has a little more vast knowledge to understand your health pro. It will also give you better piece of mind when working with this particular trainer or coach.

But if this is something you might be interested in. I’d love to setup a time to chat. All conversations are FREE. There is no hidden fees or subscriptions required. I promise to gather information and give you my best recommendation whether that is working with me or not.

At the end of the day, my thought is helping you even in the smallest way.


Single leg Deadlift


Push Ups