Push Ups

More than just Upper Body

A common question that I get, outside of how do I get abs, is how do I get stronger push ups?

A lot of the responses that I get is that they have been working on thier upper body strength but for some reason still can not get push ups.

The frustration is real! I get it! But maybe we are working on the wrong thing.

Developing upper body strength is IMPORTANT. I am not discrediting that.

However, core strength is just as important. Especially when you are trying to get stronger push ups.

When thinking about our push up, we need to look at the movement as a whole. First start off by how it looks. The starting position is a tall plank. Which should indicate to you that I need to improve my plank to improve my push up.

But breaking it down even further than that, if you can’t hold a plank, what do you do?

You do more core strengthening exercises.

I want to give you two of my favorites that seem to never get old or stale.

The first one, above, is the hollow hold. Think almost opposite of the plank since you are laying on your back. With your feet extended and arms up, you raise your shoulders slightly off the ground into almost a crunch position. Then HOLD.

Hold :20-:30s

The second movement I recommend is the Quadruped Hold. Starting into the tabletop position. You press the knees slightly off the ground. Keeping the shoulders, elbows and wrists in the straight line. Brace your core to hold the position like a strong, stable table!

Hold :20-:30s

Core strength is not something learned overnight. It takes consistency to develop the strength.

Please, please please keep at it. We all have a starting point and have room for growth, just remember that.

Finally, modifications are not a flaw against you. They are the building blocks to make you stronger than ever!

So use them if you need.

If you are looking for more information and a library of exercises to follow. Check out my youtube channel.


Corrective Exercise


exercise form