Single leg Deadlift

Form and Fault

If improving your balance is a goal of yours then the single leg deadlift is the exercise that you should be regularly incorporating to your training program.

However, the single leg deadlift is a pretty challenging movement since you are only using one leg at a time.

The main muscles that are being used are the glutes, hamstrings and core.

Two major faults which is a hip hike and foot rotation. Usually one fault leads to the other.

To be honest, thinking about where your toes are pointed in the movement can really change how complete the exercise.

It is super important to start small and work your way to the full movement. You do not want to just give this exercise a go with poor form. Continually doing poor form only instils poor form patterns.

Tips for Proper Form:

  1. Starting Position:

    • Begin by standing on one leg with a slight bend in the knee.

    • Maintain a neutral spine with your chest up and shoulders back.

    • Engage your core to stabilize your torso.

  2. Movement:

    • Hinge at the hips and lean forward, keeping your back straight.

    • Extend your free leg straight behind you, forming a straight line from head to heel.

    • Lower your torso towards the ground while reaching your hands towards the floor.

  3. Hip Extension:

    • Drive through the heel of the standing leg to return to the upright position.

    • Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement to fully extend your hips.

  4. Balance:

    • Focus on a fixed point to help with balance.

    • Keep your core engaged throughout the movement to stabilize your body.

Let’s agree to build proper patterns to get to full movements.

To help improve hip mobility be sure to download the Hip Warm Up Guide.


Squat Warm Up


Corrective Exercise