Best Way to Stay Consistent
“If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail” — Benjamin Franklin
That quote could not be more true especially when it comes to exercise. A lot of people do not know that with exercise there is a science to it. As fitness professionals, we do not just make random things up in hopes that it works out well for the client.
At least your trainer shouldn’t be doing that.
There is constant research happening for exercise to ensure that people are getting true lasting results to make them healthier.
Although the media plays a huge role against true fitness professionals when it comes to getting results. It has been played up that you need to get immediate results TODAY! Or drinking this tea will help you shred 30lbs. All of those things are fads and gimmicks to help that person get rich quick.
But if you want true change here it is:
Create a plan, stick to the plan.
Entering into exercise without a plan is like going on a road trip without a GPS or Map. You end up aimlessly driving around for hours unsure if you are going in the right direction, ending up in the exact same spot you left.
Or worse, never leaving to begin with.
When it comes to exercise, it can almost be thought of in the same idea. You join a gym, starting going a couple times a week but only doing the treadmill because you don’t know what else there is.
So you get bored and stop going. Or join the gym and just never go at all because you aren’t sure.
I see this so much within the gym. Clients that I talk to about past gym experiences where they stopped going because they didn’t know what to do.
This is also why you might pay over $300 a month in gym memberships because you’ve join every group class known to mankind to help you stay consistent.
Even with that you stopped going because the results you wanted never truly happened. You might have seen a couple things change here and there but nothing like you had hoped. So you stop!
Here is a step by step guide on how to create a fitness plan:
Determine your goals. Get specific. Paint your perfect fitness dream.
Determine how many times per week, with your schedule, you can workout. What are those days? What time can you go?
Find a program that aligns with the things you like to do.
Whether it be Crossfit, Group Exercise class or an Exercise Corrected program. Find what you like. Trust me, you’ve been in the gym long enough to know what you like to do.
Finally, commit for at least 30 days. After 30 days if you still don’t like it then re-evaulate.
A 2010 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found the length of time it takes for a new behavior to become automatic varies from 18 days to 254 days.
Giving yourself a time frame helps it to be put into more of a realistic perspective.
You cannot see all the benefits a true exercise program has to offer if you are constantly bouncing around from program to program. Give your body a chance to adapt and change.
Too much variety or inconsistency leads your body to a constant state of stress which can prevent from physiological change from happening.
At the end of the day, you need to find a program that works for you. What works for your friends or those you see on the internet, may not work for you.
If you need some guidance or just a chance to talk through options/ create a plan, let’s set up a call. I’d love to talk through all of your options to creating health and happiness.