Can you relate?
Do you feel that you are limited in your time for a dedicated exercise routine?
Do you have difficulty maintaining consistency due to demanding job and family commitments?
Do you feel like you lack the knowledge about effective exercise for improving daily functions to reduce aches and pains?
Do you struggle with motivation due to past experiences of starting and stopping fitness routines?
If so, then this is for you! Keep reading!
*By completing purchase you are agreeing to the terms and conditions
four progressive phases
movement based training to develop overall strength and stability while decreasing aches and pains
No Nutrition (option to add on)
Monthly Check In Forms
Accountability Face to Face Virtual Meeting add on option
Full Gym Access Required
Phase One: Foundation Building
Goal: Establish basic strength, stability and movement patterns
Baseline Assessments: Knee Touch, Prone Arm Clock and Sit & Reach
Phase Two: Strength Phase
Goal: Increase in muscle strength, size and endurance
Baseline Assessments: Deadlift, Pull Up and Back Squat
Phase Three: Power and Plyometrics
Goal: Improve speed, explosiveness and reactive strength
Baseline Assessments: Heavy Carry, 3D Balance Test, Hand Release Push Ups
Phase Four: Functional Strength and Conditioning
Goal: Enhance functional strength, cardiovascular fitness and agility
Baseline Assessments: Plank,2 Mile Test, Wall Facing Squat
“I had decided that I need structured, accountable training to extend my lifespan. During the past two and a half years, Alex has patiently guided me to a healthier space. Although my progress has been gradual, I am stronger head to toe than I ever imagined. The biggest reward from my training has been in my mental health.”
“She knows how hard to press me, and also recognizes when it makes more sense to back off. She is encouraging but also demanding, and has been instrumental in helping me to meet my goals. Can’t recommend her enough!”
Yes, there is a minimum of 3 month commitment to the program.
You will receive 4 workouts per week. This gives you the chance to move workouts around to best fit your schedule.
Workouts average 45 minutes long. Sometimes they are 30 minutes, sometimes they are 45 minutes. Rarely to never do they go to 60 minutes.
Ideally yes, you need to have access to a gym to successfully complete these workouts. you might be okay with having a decent home gym.
Per month Founders rate*
Minimum of 3 month commitment. Cancel prior to commitment with medical release form.
*Founders rate only offered for a short period of time
*By completing purchase you are agreeing to the terms and conditions