Shoulder Warm Up

Here are some specific reasons why it's crucial to warm up the shoulders:

  1. Increase Blood Flow: Warming up the shoulders increases blood flow to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the shoulder region. This enhanced circulation delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, promoting better function and reducing the risk of injury.

  2. Improve Flexibility: The shoulder is a complex joint with a network of muscles and tendons. Gentle dynamic stretching during a warm-up helps improve the flexibility of these muscles and tendons, allowing for a greater range of motion and reducing the risk of strains.

  3. Prevent Strains and Tears: Cold muscles and tendons are more prone to strains and tears. By gradually increasing the temperature of the shoulder muscles through a warm-up, you make them more pliable and less susceptible to injury.

  4. Activate Stabilizing Muscles: The shoulders rely on a network of stabilizing muscles to support their intricate movements. A proper warm-up activates these muscles, enhancing shoulder stability and reducing the risk of dislocations or other joint issues.

Check out these 3 exercises to make your shoulders feel lose and ready for heavy weight:

  1. Single Arm Lat Stretch

  2. Bent I, Y,T

  3. Light Weight Halos

Shoulders are a ball and socket joint which means that we need to moving the joint in multiple directions. These 3 exercises hit each major necessity for the shoulder to feel properly warmed up.

Unsure how to properly warm up the shoulders. Grab the Shoulder Warm Up Guide (completely free)


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