Front Squat Vs Back Squat

Learn key differences that make them both amazing movements

When talking about squatting, everyone has preferences on which they would like to complete on a regular basis. However, most of the time the preference is based on what they are better at completing than the other.

This could not be anymore truer than for Front or Back Squatting.

Most people prefer to back squat because the positioning is easier to get into than front squats.

So let’s break down some of the key differences:

Front Squats

Front squats are more of a quad dominant movement this attributes specifically to the weight being in the front.

With the load in the front, it requires more of an upright position. Indicating the need for a stronger core.

When looking at the smaller muscle groups and joint area. Ankle mobility needs to be improved to successfully complete this movement.

Whenever this movement is programmed for my clients, I make sure to spend extra time warming up the calf and ankle area to ensure that this is not a limiting factor through the workout.

Back Squats

Traditionally, back squats have been known to be an asset in the boot building game. And it is true!

Back Squats are more of a hamstring dominant movement with the load on the back.

You will also find that you lean forward a little more throughout. This attributes to the resistance being on the back and almost “pushing” you forward.

This movement does still require core strength to ensure that you do not over lean forward causing, potential, neck injury.

At the end of the day, it does not matter which exercise you prefer. Just understand why you are choosing one over the other.

My hope is that you are not choosing one over the other for the sole purpose of convenience.


3 benefits


Hip Mobility